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The National Anthem

Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

Abia State Anthem

The Land of Grace and Faith
That’s Abia God’s Own State
The Home of Trade and Enterprise
Alpha State We Hail
We Shall Work The Talk
To Tarry on Top
Abia Must Be Great
On Equity, We Stand
Together We Can
God Bless Abia


Abia State Universal Basic Education Board


“To Realize Measurable Quality Teaching and Learning In All Basic Schools of the State, Strengthening Existing Administrative Organs of the LGEAS and ASUBEB Headquarters through a Disposition of Professional Will, Competence, Accountability and Prudence in Conduct, Work Capacity and Efficiency that Enhances National and International Reputation”.


“To Establish a True Education and Academic Base in the Primary and Junior Secondary Schools through Sustainable Policies, Honest and Competent Administrative Framework, Skilful Teaching and Learning Process for the Whole Person of the Learners as the Leaders of Tomorrow, Empowered for Healthy Rivalry on all National and International Platforms of the 21st Century Millennium Goals”.

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The Legal Unit, Internal Audit and Public Relations Unit are compliance oversight and image management Units inset within the Executive Chairman’s office.

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