1- Honesty and Accountability

2- Efficiency and Hardwork

3- Integrity and Transparency

4- Teamwork and Commitment


To Realize Measurable Quality Teaching and Learning In All Basic Schools of the State, Strengthening Existing Administrative Organs of the LGEAS and ASUBEB Headquarters through a Disposition of Professional Will, Competence, Accountability and Prudence in Conduct, Work Capacity and Efficiency that Enhances National and International Reputation


To Establish a True Education and Academic Base in the Primary and Junior Secondary Schools through Sustainable Policies, Honest and Competent Administrative Framework, Skilful Teaching and Learning Process for the Whole Person of the Learners as the Leaders of Tomorrow, Empowered for Healthy Rivalry on all National and International Platforms of the 21st Century Millennium Goals


Develop and create an empowering future vision that gives meaning and purpose for education and strong commitment to its vigorous promotion

Provide free compulsory UBE for Abia Child of school age

Reduce drastically Dropout rate from the formal school system efficiently

Cater for Drop-outs and Out-of-school children/adolescents through balance and synergy among the various roles of stakeholders in education

Accessing and utilization of FGN-UBE intervention fund for the implementation of the programme

Making adequate Budgetary provision for ensuring implementing quality in schools

Ensure the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy, numeracy, manipulative, communicative and life skills as well as ethical, moral and civic values needed for laying a solid formation for life skills

Recruitment, appointment, promotion and discipline of teaching and non-teaching staff

To coordinate the activities of public and private Primary, Nomadic, Special education and Junior Secondary Schools in the state

Provision of adequate Basic Education facilities such as buildings, equipment, maintenance of school infrastructure and training of teachers

To carry out mass mobilization and sensitization of the general public and all stakeholders in Basic Education with the aim of achieving the overall objectives of Basic Education in the state

ASUBEB core values are excellence with competence in striving to provide a solid foundation for basic functional education